Key Quotes

"Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
(Kenneth Boulding)

"Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. "

(Raymond Chandler)

"Live simply so that others can simply live." (unknown)

"I cannot live without books" (Thomas Jefferson)

"Sport is war without the shooting" (George Orwell)

"New York is a great city to live in if you can afford to get out of it" (William Rossa Cole)

The secret of a happy ending is knowing when to roll the credits (Patterson Hood)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Day Off

A day away from work and the sun is shining. A chance to go to the allotment. The raspberry frames are starting to take shape, and the wigwams are in place. You can now bgin to see what it might be like in acouple of months.

Spent some take reading Chris Mullin's book, it really should be required reading for all those with inflated egos in politics, the life of a junior minister brought down to earth. Mullin's is at his best when describing the futility of much that he does. My passage of the day surrounds the story of Blair taking and failing an IT course, and the reaction of the young man on the next work station who says:
"I've passed and have been unemployed for 18 months, you've failed, and yet you are Prime Minister." (absolutely classic)

Had to go to Moss Bros in Chelmsford today to get fitted up with a outfit for y daughter's wedding. I still find the ceremonial side hard to handle. Why do people want to dress up in clothes they'd ridicule at any other time ?

The best political news is that Tuesday evening saw the Green Party broadcast go out on all the main channels at different times. now i know that most people avoid PPBs like the plague, but judging from the few tweets I've seen, some people have been enthused, I doubt we can ask for more.

Article of the day comes from the News Statesman entitled "We're now the party of Social Justice" it focuses on the campaign in Brighton. All good news. What's strange is that in Brighton, we now have to play the game in telling voters that only the Greens can defeat the Tories. The worry is that the dominant progressive vote might fracture three ways
and allow the Tory in. That's why the amount of publicity beginning generate is vital .

I bought a copy of "Why Vote Green" today. There is a series of books published for the election, where a party activist explains what lies behind the party's beliefs and policies. strange that Waterstones chose to stock these, rather than the political party's manifestos.

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