Key Quotes

"Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist."
(Kenneth Boulding)

"Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. "

(Raymond Chandler)

"Live simply so that others can simply live." (unknown)

"I cannot live without books" (Thomas Jefferson)

"Sport is war without the shooting" (George Orwell)

"New York is a great city to live in if you can afford to get out of it" (William Rossa Cole)

The secret of a happy ending is knowing when to roll the credits (Patterson Hood)

Monday, 28 February 2011

A week away

The week away from the internet, email and my blog. A small price to pay for the chance to go to the USA. Seriously taking 36 students away is hard work, decision making, problem solving, time management, it taxes them all. It was my third trip to Washington DC, Philadelphia and NYC, and each one presents its own challenges and highlights.

I think I've done the monuments and buildings of Washington four times so at one level it offers few surprises.That said I still enjoy visiting the Jefferson memorial, getting that first glance of Congress and walkking through the mall. Its the first time I've taken a group to the Newseum and it certainly didn'y disappoint, infact a longer stay would have been beneficial. However the highlight of DC was the trip to the Library of Congress. I would enjoy an extended stay just to read,research and study there, the building is stunning, but nothing compares with the opportunity to view the Jefferson library; encased in glass the display shows the books that Jefferson sold to Congress after the original library had been burned by the British in the War of 1812. The chance to walk and glance at the books that had influenced him during his lifetime, will remain with me for years ahead.

Philadelphia always gives the chance to relive Revolutionary America. I never tire of soaking up Independence Hall and the National Constitutional Center was much improved, even if my abiding memory will be the small display featuring Bruce Springsteen.

Nothing prepares you for the entry into NYC more than the journey along the New Jersey turnpike. After miles of industrial wasteland, the sight of Manhattan stares one in the face. There's always something new to learn, to see, to experience. After two days of walking tours my foot injury was a cause for concern, but you can't pass up the chance for freetime in the city.

Basketball has played a sinificant role in my past, but devoid of the chance to witness it at the top level, my interest has declined somewhat in the last couple of years, yet to see a sell out game at MSG, to see the Knicks parade a new signing, Carmelo Anthony was a chance not to be missed. The Knicks didn't disappoint,as they have done many times before. With Carmelo and Chauncy Billips in the line up they begin to look like contenders. NYC cries out for success, only time will tell whether this is just another false dawn. The game was designated as Legends Night and it was a chance for the Knicks fans to salute past heroes, including John Starks participant in many of the historic 90s struggles against Reggie Miller and the Pacers.

On the final day I took the chance to go downtown to look at and photograph the Flatiron Building. On a previous visit I'd gone by on a bus, but this was the opportunity to take it in and take some phots. I like NYC away from the bright lights and obvious tourist beat. Lunch in Little Italy ( no more than a few streets now), was a chance to taste NY pizza and it was good.

This was very much my farewell tour, I hope to return next time as an ordinary tourist, rather than a party leader. That said I know the students experienced sights, flavours and sounds that will stay with them as they enter adulthood. I looked back as we drove to JFK airport, and remembered my first visit as a 16 year old, the opportunity to stay in NY with my godfather gave me the interest in the USA that I've carried throughout life, perhaps some of those who accompanied me may also want to learn more about the history, culture and lifestyle of America.

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